10 (Practically) Free Mother’s Day Gifts for New Moms

10 "Free" Mother's Day Gifts for the New Mom | OnePartSunshine.com

Since I am both a new mom and trying to watch our finances, this post on the best free (or practically free) gifts for new moms was pretty easy to write. I just thought about what I would like to have! Of course, I will be accidentally sending this post to my husband. Many of the below gifts can be purchased but are easy to DIY even for the least crafty of spouses.

1. Sleep

I think this one is pretty obvious. New moms need sleep. So husbands and partners, please take the baby in the morning and let mom sleep in. Even better, put yourself on baby duty for the entire night (have mom pump a few bottles of milk if she is nursing). We cosleep, so I plan to sleep in the guest room!

2. Time Away From Baby

Most moms have trouble separating themselves from the baby. We feel a sense of responsibility and have a hard time taking a break. This Mother’s Day, force the new mom in your life to take time away from the baby, even if she just sits at a bookstore with a cup of tea and a book for an hour.

3. Photos of Mom and Baby

For some reason, I am always the one taking pictures of the baby. We have a ton of pictures of my husband and the baby but almost none of me. And the pictures I do have, I never print out. Take a ton of pictures of mom and baby (try to sneak a few when mom isn’t looking). On Mother’s Day, print them out and frame them or create a sweet collage.

4. Massage

If you can afford it, buy your new mom a gift certificate for a massage. If you can’t, give her a massage yourself. There are plenty of videos online that will teach you how to give a good one.

5. Beauty Treatment

The hormonal changes during and after pregnancy wreak havoc on most women’s skin. A luxurious facial would be an appreciated gift for almost any new mom. Of course, beauty spas can be expensive. Fortunately, at-home beauty treatments are easy to do and can be done with ingredients from your kitchen! This 5-step facial from Kiwi Magazine uses natural ingredients such as milk, oats and rice and will leave mom’s skin feeling rejuvenated. Crunchy Betty has a super easy 3-step facial using super natural ingredients.

6. Dinner

Cook mom dinner. Or at least pick up some food so she doesn’t have to worry about cooking. And take care of breakfast and lunch while you are at it. You can find a ton of easy recipes on sites like MyRecipes and Pinterest.

7. House Cleaning

My number one pet peeve since having a baby is looking at a messy house. I don’t expect my husband to do all of the cleaning all the time, and he does what he can. But it isn’t nearly enough. My house is a mess. I would like for him to do a nice thorough cleaning, dusty fan blades and all.

8. Gardening

Even though we decided not to do a huge garden this year, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like a few herbs and pretty flowers planted in my backyard. I would love for my husband to plant some of my favorite herbs in pots in our backyard so I can easily access them when I do cook.

9. Handmade Baby Toys

If you have any woodworking or handyman skills, the new mom in your life is sure to love a handmade baby toy. Not only will she love having something to keep the baby entertained, but she will be impressed by your handiness. I love this handmade wooden baby gym and this DIY wood and fabric baby swing.

10. Picnic in the Park

The best way for a new mom to spend Mother’s Day is not cooking for a house full of relatives. Take her and baby to a beautiful park or garden with a lovely picnic lunch.

Most importantly, let mom know how much you appreciate her and all of the late-night feedings and diaper changes. And for pushing a watermelon out of hole the size of a lemon. And tell her how beautiful she is.

10 Practically Free Mothers Day Gifts for the New Mom | OnePartSunshine.com

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